GPCC, Land Commission Partner to Enhance Best

GPCC, Land Commission partner to enhance best land ownership practices

The Lands Commission is courting the support of religious leaders in the promotion of compliance with the new Land Act 2020 (ACT 1036) to enhance responsible land ownership and management in the country.

To this end, the Commission has engaged leaders of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) on the Land Act and other related land issues to equip them to foster the best land ownership practices in their con­gregations.

The engagement formed part of the 2023 Annual National Del­egates Conference of the GPCC held in Accra on June 27.

Equip Religious Leaders

Acting Greater Accra Regional Lands Officer, Timothy Anyido­ho, said the engagement was to equip the religious leaders with the necessary knowledge and in­sights into the Land Act, to enable them sensitize their congrega­tions on their responsibilities as required under the Land Act.

He stated that land was a critical resource for Ghana’s development, hence the need for all citizens to comply with the law to enable the Lands Commission to undertake effective land administration.

He said that compliance with the Act was crucial to avoid land disputes, illegal transactions, and encroachments, which have plagued the country in recent years.

Mr Anyidoho urged the leaders to be abreast with some key pro­visions of the Land Act, including land acquisition, ownership, regis­tration, and dispute resolution.

He cautioned the members not to involve themselves in practices that might prevent a land owner from developing their land or per­sonally through another person, adding that such practices were liable on summary conviction to a term of imprisonment of not less than ten years.

In line with the law, he admon­ished the members to emulate the set-up of the Customary Land Secretariats to undertake proper bookkeeping and records and use the services of professionals for the handling of their land issues.

Recognizing the influence of religious leaders in their respec­tive communities, Mr Anyidoho urged the participants to dissemi­nate the knowledge gained during the session to their congrega­tions.

He emphasized the importance of preaching responsible land ownership, adherence to legal procedures, and the avoidance of fraudulent activities related to land transactions.

Mr Immanuel Tettey, General Secretary of the GPCC, ex­pressed gratitude to the Lands Commission for engaging the congregation on the provisions of the new Act saying that “the event will equip religious leaders with the necessary tools to guide their congregations in land-relat­ed matters.”

He pledged the GPCC’s com­mitment to promote responsible land ownership and called on other religious bodies to collab­orate to ensure effective land administration in the country.

Eunice Opoku, Communica­tions Officer of Lands Com­mission presented Copies of the Land Act to the Council.

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