Apostle George Ayiku Advocates for Cleanliness Through Pulpit Education

The General Overseer of the Love Community Church, Apostle George Ayiku has called upon religious leaders to utilize the pulpit as a powerful tool for educating Ghanaians on the practice of good sanitation.

 Emphasizing the biblical admonition that “cleanliness is next to godliness,” Apostle Ayiku encourages the promotion of a clean environment through the dissemination of knowledge from the pulpit.

Speaking passionately in an interview with GPCC NEWS about the influential role of the pulpit in shaping behaviour, Apostle Ayiku stressed the significance of using the church platform to educate members on essential topics such as sanitation and cleanliness. “The pulpit is a place where we can use our voice and even visuals to teach people how to lead decent lives in our environment and communities,” stated Apostle Ayiku.

Highlighting the effectiveness of employing images of impoverished areas, Apostle Ayiku emphasized the importance of conveying the message of living in clean and decent environments.

Apostle Ayiku, who is a committed member of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC), underlined the pivotal role of the pulpit in providing education, establishing a direct connection between cleanliness and godliness. “We have a synopsis that cleanliness is next to godliness. When you’re clean, you live a life free of disease, infections, and all those things,” he explained.

While recognizing the significance of addressing poor sanitation during occasional messages, Apostle Ayiku advocated for sustained efforts, including community outreach and practical cleaning initiatives.

He stressed the imperative for the church to set an example for the community by actively participating in cleanliness and sanitation programs.

Apostle Ayiku’s advocacy aligns with the Love Community Church’s commitment to positively impact the lives of its members and promote a godly lifestyle within the community. Adding that, by leveraging the pulpit for educational purposes, religious leaders can contribute significantly to fostering a culture of cleanliness and environmental consciousness among Ghanaians.


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